Experience in study of pharmacokinetic and biotransformation of drugs, study of pharmacological activity and toxicity of drugs and their metabolites, clinical studies, optimization and individualization of drug therapy. Studies of drugs labeled by radioactive and stable isotopes. HPLC, TLC, GC and other analytical methods. Bioequivalence of drugs. Study of opportunities of making radiation detectors, determination of radiation activity of the radionuclides in soil, plant, water, venoms, animals and human, EPR, AAS, UHF methods of investigation, radiation sterilization, UHF dry venom, plants and soils.
Influence of small dozes g-radiations on toxicity of venom Vipera lebetina obtusа. Influence of small dozes is investigated g-radiations on toxicity and on pharmacological properties of venom Vipera lebetina obtusа. Electronic paramagnetic resonance in studying venom of Vipera lebetina obtuse. Ecology factor and physic-chemical properties of Vipera lebetina obtusa’s venom. Ecological geochemical aspects of variation of the elementary ingredients of the Vipera lebetina obtusa venom. Application an ionizing radiation for sterilization of preparations on the basis of venom of snake. Laser spectroscopy in the investigations on spectral-luminescent properties of vipera lebetina venom metabolites.
Laser spectroscopy method in the studying of vipera lebetina obtusa venom. The influence of the environmental factors on chemical composition of Vipera venom. Fluorescent probes in snake venom investigation. Preparation of ecological pure venom of Apis mellifera caucasica. Comparative aspects of venom of amphibie and reptilie.
Study of the effect of phynoptine on meiotic maturing of oocytes in vitro. Study of severe toxicity of ascorbic acid. Influence of small dozes g- radiations on molecular mobility, spectral characteristics and pharmacological properties of poison of melliferous bee –Apis mellifera caucasica and venom of Vipera lebetina obtusa. By method the roentgen florescent spectrophotometer on the roentgen florescent spectrophotometer (XRF) – Innov –X firm has been defined in the venom of Apis mellifera caucasica the content of heavy metals in venom bee, propolis and pollen on territory the Sumgait polluted areas of Absheron Peninsula of Azerbaijan and on the ecology clean areas of the Pirkuli. Radiation sterilization of Vipera lebetina obtuse and its spectral characteristics.
Radiating and temperature of-drying QF a ordinary barberry Berberis vulgaris L. To ecology and distribution of rale kinds of amphibious of Azerbaijan. Perspectives of microbial ferments use as the vaccine preparations. Impact of environmental factors (heavy metals) on biodiversity of spiders. Investigation of Electrophysical Parameters of Snake Venom. Expertise and experience in addressing other global problems of ecology, toxicology, pharmacology, biology and medicine.
Biological control of diaspis (Homoptera) with coccinellid-Rizobius lophanthae Blaisd (Coleoptera) in Azerbaijan. Influence of electromagnetic radiation on venom of Vipera lebetina obtusa. Photodetectors on the Base of Heterocontact Semiconductor – Snake Venom. Irradiation Registration (individual dosimeters, radioprospecting, monitoring), medicine, ecology, military industry, optical computers, scientific researches. The elementary structure of venom , propolis and pollen of melliferous bee Аpis mellifera K has been studied by the method of atom-absorbing spectrometry on ААС 300 Perkin Elmer The variability of their elementary structure, received from bees, from various ecosystems of Azerbaijan has been defined. Hyaluronidase (CdtHya1) activity has been studied in venom of a honey bee Apis mellifera L. caucasica from different regions of Azerbaijan. The effect of environmental pollutants (oil products) on the waste products of the honeybee (venom and pollen) Apis mellifera K. has been revealed. Our experimental data can be used in the identification of bee and snake venom, their standardization, quality and quantify, in preparations and as well as in biological material. As a result of the lead researches investigated a chemical compound (in comparative aspect) and pharmacological properties the basic compound components, and integral apitoxin (or bees venom) and snake venom from various biocurrents chromatographic and spectral methods.
The study of zooplankton community as an indicator of anthropogenic pollution of the Caspian Sea. For the first time as a result of research were studied species composition, seasonal dynamics and population’s structure of the main zooplankton groups depending on the degree of environmental pollution by heavy metals, oil products and biogenic elements in different parts of the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. For the first time revealed the indicator possibilities of planktonic ciliates, rotifers and crustaceans (Copepoda and Cladocera) and their role in the ecosystem.The results of research allow us to recommend the planktonic ciliates, rotifers and crustaceans (Copepoda and Cladocera) as bioindicators of environmental pollution technogenic emissions of the industrial enterprises.
Methods to combat malignant neoplasm’s, in the past decade, associated with features of the flow process has changed dramatically. These issues are still not perfect, require in-depth theoretical and practical tests and still relevant.
Interest in this topic supports requests of medical practice and the expansion of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of oncology.
Along with the successful struggle of c-drug resistant, is of great importance in the implementation of clinical practice of new tools, techniques, technologies and other mechanisms of action than previously used.
One of these technologies and tools is a technology of nanoparticles of heavy metals to a modern standard of medicine. Study of the pharmacological properties of snake venom nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles; Develop and obtain medical preparations of nanoparticles of pharmacologically active components of venom lebetina with silver nanoparticles for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Preparation and study of these nanocomposite fluorescent material opens up new opportunities for better understanding the mechanism of luminescence in nanocomposites and their use in transformative technology in the practice of medicine, namely in oncology, in toxicology and pharmacology.